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Anclaje de maquinaria


Machinery installation using resins and grouts

We contribute to the equipment mechanical reliability, particularly dynamic equipment such as: compressors, turbines, engines, pumps and blowers, preventing the harmful effects of vibrations.

Having installed more than 30,000 pieces of equipment, we approach the new construction or renovation projects from the point of view of machines to achieve the best possible foundation and anchoring.


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Ingeniería de fijación de maquinaria

Ofrecemos asesoramiento, diseño y ejecución de sistemas de fijación para instalar y anclar equipos dinámicos y maquinaria auxiliar a la cimentación. Realizamos proyectos tanto de obra nueva como de rehabilitaciones. 

Ventajas frente a otras soluciones de anclaje y fijación de maquinaria:


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Machinery anchoring engineering

We offer advice, design and the performance of anchoring systems for installing and anchoring dynamic equipment and auxiliary machinery to the foundations. We carry out both new construction and renovation projects.

Advantages over other machinery anchoring solutions:


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